Deutsche Heredo Ataxie Gesellschaft (DHAG)

Hofener Strasse 76
70372 Stuttgart

Telephone: +49 7 11 55 04 644

The German Heredo Ataxia Society (DHAG) is a nationwide self-help organization in Germany.

Our members are people who are affected by the disease themselves, as well as people at risk of ataxia and relatives.

We take care of all types of ataxias.

Even those who are professionally - doctors, nurses, therapists - dealing with the ataxia disease or other interested parties are members of the DHAG.
It started in 1982 in the genetic counseling center of the Institute for Human Genetics at the Albert-Ludwig University in Freiburg. From there, our founders were able to contact all those affected.

Our goals:
This association focuses on people suffering from Heredo ataxia (genetic disorders of the central nervous system with the main symptom of coordination disorder) and people for whom ataxia is a serious symptom due to another disease. The problems and difficulties associated with these diseases should be reduced according to the principle of “helping people to help themselves”. The aim should be:

- For those affected: better coping with their own disabilities and more conscious interaction with others;

- For those at risk: better coping with their own likelihood of illness and more responsible handling of this risk;

- For relatives: better coping with living together with an affected person or a person at risk;

- For those not affected: Reduction of inhibitions and fears towards those affected, endangered persons and relatives and thus uncomplicated interpersonal relationships;

- Eliminate discrimination against people with disabilities, enforce equality in all areas of society and promote integration and inclusion.

- Education of those affected, people at risk and their families, other relatives, friends and other interested persons about Heredo ataxias and other diseases associated with ataxia, as well as the registration of sick people living in Germany;

- Provision of assistance (if possible) in dealing with and overcoming mental needs rationally;

- Promote research into these diseases to find causes and ways of treating and curing them;

- Dissemination of public knowledge about these diseases;

- Educating the public about discrimination against people with disabilities;

- Support for cross-association activities on anti-discrimination, equality for people with disabilities and integration and inclusion.

- Transfer of knowledge that serves the implementation of the goals of the statutes through publications, lectures, training courses, etc.

- The activity is basically mediating and stimulating. It is carried out by this association (federal association).

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