Research Overview
One of the main aims of Euro-ataxia is to accelerate research and treatments for people with ataxia. This coordinated effort between our member organisations supports research in a number of ways, such as providing patient input and advice to research studies and assisting in the recruitment of participants to trials.
Euro-ataxia Patient Charter:
Euro-ataxia believes that all ataxia clinical studies should involve the input of people affected by ataxia (patients and their parents or carers) and patient group representatives. Our Patient Charter outlines our vision for this, why it is important and proposes how it should be implemented.
Research projects:
Euro-ataxia is actively involved in many European Research Consortia, providing the input of people affected by ataxia (patients and their parents or carers) and patient group representatives. Read an overview of all the research projects Euro-ataxia is involved in on our Research Projects page.
Research news and updates:
EMA approves Skyclarys® for the treatment of FA in those aged 16 and over in EU countries
On 12th February 2024, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced that they have approved the drug Skyclarys (Omaveloxolone) for the treatment of Friedreich's ataxias in those aged 16 and over in EU countries.
This approval by the EMA will not result in approval in the UK, as an application still needs to be submitted to the UK regulators (the MHRA). We believe that approval in the EU will pave the way for faster approval in the UK. From January 1st 2024, the new fast-track route for approval of drugs in the UK (including Northern Ireland) was launched.
This is called the International Recognition Procedure and will be a fast-track for drugs that have already been approved in other countries (including by the FDA in the US and EMA in Europe). There are two routes, taking either 60 days or 110 days.
There are various criteria in order to determine which route will be taken. It is important to note that if the drug gets approved it then needs to be assessed for cost effectiveness by NICE to see whether it will be funded by the NHS.
Ataxia UK's Head of Research, Julie Greenfield, says "We are making every effort to encourage and support Biogen in seeking UK regulatory approval. In addition, we are discussing ways to cooperate to gather useful information from people with FA in the UK. This information is needed to help people get access to the drug if it is approved".
Read the press release from Biogen here.
Head to our Research News and Updates page for all of the latest research news articles and updates.
International Ataxia Research Congress (ICAR) 2024
Ataxia UK, National Ataxia Foundation (NAF), Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA), and Ataxia Global Initiative (AGI) are pleased to announce the date for the next International Congress for Ataxia Research (ICAR). ICAR 2024 took place in London from 12 - 15 November 2024.
ICAR 2024 was the place to share the latest ataxia research, including updates on Friedreich's ataxia, SCAs 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and more. Attendees heard the latest developments in novel treatment approaches, clinical trial results, and scientific debates from leading ataxia researchers. There were also plenty of opportunities to network with academic and industry leaders, with a program for junior/trainee researchers organized by a Trainee Organising Committee.
ICAR 2024 included plenary sessions, parallel sessions, workshops, and poster sessions. Plenary sessions featured invited speakers and talks selected from submitted abstracts. Following the success of ICAR 2022, a panel discussion was held with individuals affected by Ataxia and an interactive debate session.
Read a summary of ICAR 2024 here.
Read the press release here.
Ataxia patient organisations united at the 2024 Euro-ataxia annual conference
Euro-ataxia, is the federation of 22 European ataxia patient organisations. The 2024 Euro-ataxia conference took place in London on 15th-16th November, organised by Ataxia UK. The conference was a great success; fourteen ataxia patient groups, as well as researchers and pharmaceutical representatives gathered to share best practice in healthcare and research. Read a summary of the conference here, or view the presentations below.
Head to our conferences page for an overview of all past Euro-ataxia conferences.
Research Blogs:
ATAXIE - ADCA - SCA: Blog run by Euro-ataxia President Cathalijne van Doorne. Aims to keep people informed about new developments in the field of research into autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia (ADCA), spinocerebellar (SCA) and other ataxias. Also reports on activities that raise awareness of these rare disorders in European Parliament.
Friedreich Ataxia Scientific News: Blog run by Euro-ataxia board member Juan Carlos Baiges. Provides news and information about Friedreich's Ataxia and other topics related to rare diseases.
SCA Source: A website where research on SCAs and related ataxias is written in plain language by SCA scientists. Aims to make research more readily accessible and understandable to ataxia patients and families.
More Information:
For more information on the latest ataxia research, take a look at our member pages and you can also look at our list of suggested websites including other ataxia charities and other useful resources.
If you are a researcher from academia or industry and you are interested in contacting us to find out more about how we could help you, please email